LaTeX Best Practices

I use LaTeX a lot. And every time I work with other people, I notice things people to weirdly when using LaTeX, not pushing it to its full potential or simply doing things that are “dangerous.” Of course, not dangerous in the sense of physically hurting anybody, but in risking a non-robust document, weird typesetting, or simply an unpleasant document. Thus, I decided to collect this list of “best practices” so that I can refer to it and, of course, to make these things more well-known....

Fabian Damken

LaTeX Tips & Tricks

I use LaTeX a lot. In fact, all of my summaries are written in LaTeX. Over the years, I found and got used to some tips and tricks that enhance the experience with LaTeX a lot. I figured it might be useful to collect them in one place, as others might find them useful too. I will expand it once I find something new, exciting, and useful but it may never be complete....

Fabian Damken