Reinforcement Learning

Recent Changes 2022-10-18 Dark mode (re) (#15) 2022-08-02 rl: answered self-test questions 2022-08-01 rl: added some self-test questions 2022-08-01 rl: added special case of Bellman contraction 2022-08-01 rl: finished frontiers 2022-08-01 rl: finished deep actor-critic 2022-07-31 rl: started deep actor-critic 2022-07-31 rl: add missing figures 2022-07-31 rl: clean-up 2022-07-31 rl: finished deep rl 2022-07-30 rl: started deep rl 2022-07-30 rl: finished policy search and proof of policy gradient theorem 2022-07-29 rl: mostly finished policy search 2022-07-28 rl: finished function approximation 2022-07-27 rl: finished temporal difference learning 2022-07-27 rl: finished monte-carlo methods 2022-07-27 rl: finished dynamic programming 2022-07-25 rl: finished markov decision processes 2022-07-24 rl: finished preliminaries 2022-07-24 rl: finished introduction 2022-07-24 Merge branch ‘main’ of ssh://github/fdamken/summaries into main 2022-07-24 rl: started summary

July 24, 2022 · Fabian Damken

Robot Learning

Recent Changes 2023-03-23 a bunch of fixed typos (#18) 2021-03-29 RoLe: Added answers to the mock exam. 2021-03-28 RoLe: Updated planning doc. 2021-03-28 RoLe: Answered ML self-test questions. 2021-03-28 RoLe: Finished chapter “Bayesian RL”. 2021-03-27 RoLe: Finished chapter “approximate optimal control”. 2021-03-26 RoLe: Finished chapter “model-based RL”. 2021-03-24 Role: Finished chapter “imitation learning”. 2021-03-23 RoLe: Fixed errors in chapter “policy search methods”. 2021-03-23 RoLe: Updated planning document. 2021-03-23 RoLe: Finished chapter “policy search”. 2021-03-21 RoLe: Finished chapter “value function methods”. 2021-03-20 RoLe: Finished chapter “policy representations”. 2021-03-18 RoLe: Finished chapter “contionuous optimal control”. 2021-03-17 RoLe: Finished chapter “discrete dynamic programming”. 2021-03-14 RoLe: Finished chapter “robotics”. 2021-03-13 RoLe: First version. 2021-03-13 Planend and structured RoLe summary.

March 13, 2021 · Fabian Damken

Optimization of Static and Dynamic Systems

Recent Changes 2023-11-07 opt: fix title 2023-11-07 opt: change language to english 2022-07-12 In 8.1.2: Fix Formula for lambda^dot (#8) 2022-03-09 Add xstring package to fdsummary class. 2020-07-15 Opt: Minor fixes. 2020-07-11 Opt: Chapter 11. 2020-07-11 Opt: Chapter 10. 2020-07-10 Opt: Chapter 9. 2020-07-09 Opt: Chapter 8. 2020-07-08 Opt: chapter 7. 2020-07-08 Opt: Structure optimization of dynamical systems. 2020-07-08 Opt: Structured dynamical systems. 2020-07-08 Opt: Chapter 6. 2020-07-07 Opt: Chapter 5. 2020-07-06 Opt: Chapter 4. 2020-07-06 Opt: Chapter 4, not finished. 2020-07-05 Opt: Chapter 3. 2020-07-04 Opt: Chapter 2. 2020-07-03 Opt: First summary content. 2020-07-03 Added CWL file for fdsummary document class. 2020-07-03 Opt: Converted to TeX. 2020-06-20 Opt: Planung für statische Systeme hinzugefügt.

June 20, 2020 · Fabian Damken

Grundlagen der Robotik

Recent Changes 2022-10-18 Dark mode (re) (#15) 2021-11-08 Costemtics and fix of GdR summary. 2020-05-15 Fixed errors introduced by malicious RegEx. 2020-05-15 Made documents compile. 2020-05-15 Added script for compilation. 2020-05-15 Streamlined StML. 2020-05-15 Switched to new TU design. 2020-04-29 Started streamlining. Streamlined GdR. 2020-02-21 DGL Summary Planning. 2020-02-16 GdR Summary Version 14. 2020-02-15 GdR Summary Version 13. 2020-02-15 GdR Summary Version 12. 2020-02-15 GdR Summary Version 11. 2020-02-15 GdR Summary Version 10. 2020-02-15 GdR Summary Version 9. 2020-02-14 GdR Summary Version 8. 2020-02-12 GdR Summary Version 7. 2020-02-12 GdR Summary Version 6. 2020-02-12 GdR Summary Version 5. 2020-02-11 GdR Summary Version 4. 2020-02-11 GdR Summary Version 3. 2020-02-10 GdR Summary Version 2. 2020-02-06 txs auto checkin 2020-02-06 Finished GdR plannung and moved structure to TeX. 2020-02-04 Getting started with the GdR summary.

February 4, 2020 · Fabian Damken