Recent Changes#
Dark mode (re) (#15)2022-02-23
Finished most remaining todos.2022-02-23
Finished chapter “Deep Generative Models”.2022-02-23
Finished mini-chapter “Tractable Probabilistic Models”.2022-02-23
Finished chapter “Approximate Inference”.2022-02-22
Mostly finished chapter “Dynamic Bayesian Networks”.2022-02-22
Nearly finished chapter “Learning”.2022-02-21
Started chapter “Learning”.2022-02-21
Mostly finished chapter “Markov Random Fields”.2022-02-20
Finished Chapter “Inference”.2022-02-18
PGM: Finished Chapter “Bayesian Networks”.2022-02-18
PGM: Introduction; Finished most important parts.2022-02-17
PGM: Converted structure to TeX.2022-02-17
Layed out MPC, IVVA, and PGM.