Recent Changes#
Dark mode (re) (#15)2022-03-07
Fixed typos.2022-03-06
Typos and quasi-infinite horizon.2022-03-05
Mostly finished.2022-03-05
Finished chapter “Machine Learning in Model Predictive Control”.2022-03-05
Finished chapter “Stochastic Model Predictive Control”.2022-03-05
Finished chapter “Robust Model Predictive Control”.2022-03-04
Finished chapter “Nominal Model Predictive Control”.2022-03-03
Fix stability script to work on GitHub Actions.2022-03-03
Finished chapter “Preliminaries”.2022-03-03
Finished section “Linear Quadratic Regulator” of chapter “Preliminaries”.2022-03-02
Restructure “other” directory.